
We facilitate discussions between you and your spouse, assisting you in identifying issues, exploring areas of compromise and options in an attempt to resolve your disputes.

We mediate all areas of Family Law.

  • Divorce and Separation
  • Maintenance,
  • Property division
  • Parental responsibilities and rights.
  • Pro Tips

    • Mediation is cheaper and quicker than litigation. 
    • Family focussed towards better communication for the benefit of the children.

Divorce Mediation.

  • Is a negotiation method frequently used as an alternative to court-based divorce.
  • Goal is to maintain relationships while finding workable solutions.
  • Can assist you to agree on issues without having to approach the court. 
  • Creates a safe space where you can engage with one another constructively.
  • Family-cantered.
  • Workable solutions that keep relationships together.
  • Assists you to talk to each other, and negotiate a solution that works for everyone.
  • Talk and agree on short-term and long-term plans that work for everyone in the family.
  • Assist in working together and continue co-parenting, which is better for divorces with children.

Advantages of Mediation.

  • Speedy resolution of disputes.
  • Up to 80% less costly as opposed to divorce litigation.
  • Family focused.
  • Assist with parenting plans.
  • Emphasis is on moving forward and seeking resolution.
  • Provides a win-win situation for both parties in a dispute.
  • Mediation is without prejudice, what you say in mediation cannot be held against you.
  • The process is flexible.
  • Solution driven.
  • Assists you in reaching a settlement agreement.
  • Both parents are given the opportunity to clarify what they currently want and need, as opposed to blaming and criticising things that happened in the past.
  • Helps limit the negative impact of divorce processes on children.

Mediation Sessions.

  • Normally conducted as joint sessions with all the parties present in the same room.
  • You agree to enter voluntary ( unless ordered by the court) to the mediation process.
  • There are however circumstances where separate sessions may need to be conducted with the parties, but this is generally at the discretion of the Mediator and only where all the parties are in agreement with separate sessions being held with the Mediator.
  • As a Mediator I remain neutral, and have no vested interest as to how the dispute may ultimately be resolved.
  • I facilitate your discussions concerning the issues in dispute, helping you to avoid breakdown in communication.
  • I ask questions and gently guide the process back towards possible resolution of the issues in dispute.
  • Throughout the process, you are encouraged to engage in constructive conversation with one another concerning the issues and disputes at hand
  • You are also encouraged to apply your minds to problem-solving attempts on how to best resolve your dispute so that a win-win outcome can be achieved.
  • The best interest of the children involved must be at the core of all decisions being made.
  • The final divorce agreement is lodged at the court after which a summons is served and thereafter a court date.

Attorneys at the Mediation.

  • Attorneys are generally not present during the mediation, but this is often more of a cost consideration than anything else.
  • Should you require your attorney to sit in on the mediation, this can be arranged if all the parties are in joint agreement with this.

What happens if mediation fails?

  • You can still follow the litigation route in order to have the dispute resolved.

How can mediation help with parental rights and responsibilities?

  • We can create co-operative parenting arrangements for the future.
  • Attend to financial assistance for your children and you.
  • Draw up a parenting plan
  • Assist with the relationship between a child and a parent going forward.
  • Mediation can shield and safeguard the best interest of your children. 
  • Mediation can also assist a family with maintenance related matters.

Is mediation legally binding in South Africa?

  • The outcome of a mediation is written down in the form of a settlement agreement and is binding and enforceable.

Helping Couples Reach Amicable Solutions.

Many couples find that the best and most effective way to negotiate the issues of their separation is to work with a specially trained and impartial Family Mediator.

This person can help keep you both on track, despite your differences, strong emotions, and difficulties communicating, and can, in most cases, help you feel less stressed and anxious about these issues.

This can make a big difference in your recovering from your divorce or separation and moving on with your life.

At Divorce Specialists we assist parties in a Separation and Divorce with less conflict than they would encounter in a court atmosphere.

  • Pro Tips

    • Mediation is the only option that looks beyond divorce and take into account the after affects of divorce. 
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